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Intercontinental Cup Statistics
Intercontinental Cup
Statistics Summary
List of Players
List of Matches
Highest Aggregates
Highest Scores
Most Runs in Year
Best Averages
Partnerships by Wicket
Best Partnerships
Most 100s
Most 50s
Century on Debut
Top Wicket Takers
Best Bowling in Innings
Best Bowling in Match
Best Bowling Averages
Most Wickets in Year
Hat Tricks
5 Wickets in Innings
10 Wickets in Match
Most Dismissals
Most Dismissals: Season
Most Dismissals: Match
Most Dismissals: Innings
Most Catches: Innings
Most Catches
Most Catches: Season
Most Catches: Match
Most Catches: Innings
Highest Innings Scores
Lowest Innings Scores